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9 Recovery Tips After Tummy Tuck Surgery

If you are considering tummy tuck surgery or envisioning the “after” results of your already-planned abdominoplasty, there are several ways you can plan ahead to help optimize the outcome. Taking the time to prepare your body, mind, and home can support safe and timely healing, potentially with less discomfort and fewer side effects. Below, our board-certified plastic surgeon in Corpus Christi, Dr. Cassidy Hinojosa, shares her expertise for a smoother post-surgery experience with 9 recovery tips after tummy tuck surgery:

  1. For the first few days after surgery, consider asking family and friends for assistance with things like household chores, overseeing child and pet care, running errands, and filling any prescriptions.

  2. Prepare a comfortable area of your home as your recovery space in advance so it is ready for your arrival. Stock it with relaxing and convenient items, such as pillows, blankets, books, magazines, a nearby television, access to outlets, and a side table.

  3. Make sure to quit smoking and the use of any tobacco/nicotine products at least one month before surgery, and refrain from resuming the habit for several weeks after treatment. These substances can slow down the recovery process and, in some cases, increase the risk of complications.

  4. Maintain a healthy diet with foods rich in vitamins, nutrients, and proteins—such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and fish. It is also important to limit sodium intake and stay hydrated to minimize swelling.

  5. Follow the advice, recommendations, and instructions from your plastic surgeon and be sure to attend all follow-up appointments to monitor the progress of your healing.

  6. Take adequate time to rest, but begin to walk around the house as soon as you are able—ideally, the day after surgery. This helps encourage circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots. Begin with light, short walks with a slight bend at the knee and hips. More strenuous workouts and activities must wait until about four to six weeks after surgery.

  7. Use pillows under your knees when you sleep to relieve pressure on the abdomen. Ideally, there will be a gradual bend of about 20 to 30 degrees at the hips, and one or two pillows supporting the knees.

  8. Continue wearing your compression garments for as long as instructed by your plastic surgeon. This is to help reduce swelling, decrease bruising, protect the incisions/sutures, and support the newly defined abdominal contours.

  9. For patients with drains, we suggest keeping a record of when you empty your drain bulbs and noting the fluid amount on your drainage sheet, as recommended by your plastic surgeon. This should usually be done around the same time every morning and evening.

Additionally, it’s important to note that your recovery may take longer when a tummy tuck is combined with other procedures, such as liposuction in other areas of the body. Therefore, it is best to plan ahead for additional help from others during the recovery process.

To learn more about tummy tuck surgery and recovery, or for more information about other body contouring procedures, please contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hinojosa.
